A+ Wallet Merchants

A+ Wallet မိတ်ဖက်ကိုယ်စားလှယ်များအဖြစ်လျောက်ထားလိုပါက မိမိ၏ဖုန်းနံပါတ်၊ ဆိုင်နာမည် ၊ ဆိုင်လိပ်စာအပြည့်အစုံ (မြို့နယ် ၊ တိုင်းအတိ အကျ)ဖြင့်လျောက်ထားနိုင်ပြီး A+ Team မှလူကြီးမင်း၏အချက်အလက်များအား စစ်ဆေးပြီးပြန်လည်ဆက်သွယ်မည်ဖြစ်သည်။

A+ Agent ဆိုင်တွေမှာ ငွေလွှဲရင်း ဖူးစာရှင်နဲ့ဆုံစည်းနိုင်ပါတယ်!
A+ Wallet နဲ့ ရွှေအိုးဆေးဆိုင်မှာ ငွေရှင်းကြစို့!
Mr. Jerry BBQ and Hotpot Yangon မှာ​ A+ ရှိနေပါပြီ
Cheese O' Tea သောက်တိုင်း A+ Wallet နဲ့ငွေရှင်းကြစို့!
Sushi fan လား?
Jo Jo Hotpot မှာလည်း A+ Wallet ရှိနေပြီနော်!

A+ Merchant Benefits

Join us now as an A+ Merchant to increase your sales!

  • Promote and increase your products or services
  • Cashless payments are popular and you can improve your business with a cashless operation system worldwide.
  • Cash out process is easy, simple and fast.
  • A cost-effective cash management system can prevent loss and natural disasters.
A+ Merchants

There are many A+ Merchant stores connected to A+ all over Myanmar so that users can pay easily, and we are trying to create a wider network nationwide.

You need to provide the personal information and business license (or) municipal license.

You can apply for A+ Merchant online and offline.

  • For the online application, you need A+Online Partnership Portal, API integration.
  • For the offline application, you need to have a QR Code Stand and QR Code in the merchant app.

Merchant shops will be charged a standard MDR rate of 0.5% per transaction. If you start applying as an A+ Merchant, the MDR Rate for the first year is waived from the date of application.

As an A+ merchant, if you want to withdraw the cash, you must transfer the money from your e-wallet to the A+ bank account which is linked with A+ merchant account. After switching to your linked account, you can fully withdraw 100% of your cash at the agent withdrawal counter located at the nearest bank branch.

If you become an A+ merchant, you can participate in Specific Promotion Campaigns made by A Plus Wallet from time to time. By adding advertisements to the channels made by A Plus, the store can gain brand awareness.

Applying as an A+ Merchant and other details

Merchant Call Center Phone : 09770709888 Contact during office hours; investigate You can ask.